Date: 22 March 2025
Venue: Matriniketan
As part of the residential programme organized by Uditam: Institute for Integral Healing, Sri Aurobindo Society, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti, was invited to facilitate a group discussion session on Saturday, March 22, 2025. For her session, Dr. Mehra focused on the topic – The Divine Spark Within.
After brief introductions all around, Dr. Mehra began her session with a small introduction on how Indian spiritual thought speaks of Atman or Self. She explained this with the help of a story from the Upanishads. She gradually brought the group’s attention to how this Self or Atman is related to and different from what is spoken of as Psychic Entity or Psychic spark in the context of Integral Yoga. She spoke of psychic entity as a soul-in-evolution which is not the same as soul that stands apart as a witness and un-involved.

In a simple manner, Dr. Mehra elaborated upon why it is important to know a little about Psychic Entity if we want to understand what is unique about Integral Yoga, especially the significance it puts on transformation. Through a series of examples, she discussed how it is the psychic presence within that guides our true inner progress, and as a representative of the Divine within it integrates around it all godward movements made by the instrumental being – namely, mental, vital and physical parts of our being.

The second part of the session was focused more on some of the signs through which we can speak of psychic emergence. Dr. Mehra also briefly mentioned how we can use the twelve attributes of the Mother’s symbol as benchmarks to know if we are making progress towards getting in touch with our psychic entity. This point brought in some engaging discussion from the participants, and soon a connection was made with conscious parenting and education which must facilitate children’s preparation for the great discovery of the psychic presence within. A few specific questions about soul’s choice and rebirth were also brought in by one or two participants. Overall the session was appreciated by all.