March 25 – Lecture-demonstration on Hindustani Classical Music
India is the Bhārata Shakti,
the living energy of a great spiritual conception, and fidelity to it is the very principle of her existence.
~ Sri Aurobindo

Co-creating Learning

“A new creation of the old Indian svadharma…”

India, Land of Light and Spiritual Knowledge

“Wake up to your true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony.”

Contemplative Learning

“Mother India – not a piece of earth,…it is a mighty Shakti”

Inner and Outer Harmony

“Spirituality is indeed the master-key of the Indian mind”

Cultural Appreciation

“A rebirth of the soul of India into a new body of energy….”

Future Belongs to the Young

“Our call is to young India.”

Wisdom Traditions

“India’s central conception is that of the Eternal…”

Ideas and Ideals

“Our knowledge is a dead thing for want of Shakti”

Co-creating Learning

“A new creation of the old Indian svadharma…”

India, Land of Light and Spiritual Knowledge

“Wake up to your true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony.”

True spirituality rejects no new light,
no added means or materials of our human self-development.
It means simply to keep our centre, our essential way of being, our inborn nature and assimilate to it all we receive, and evolve out of it all we do and create.
~ Sri Aurobindo


About Us

[India] can, if she will, give a new and decisive turn to the problems over which all mankind is labouring and stumbling,
for the clue to their solutions is there in her ancient knowledge. Whether she will rise or not to the height of her opportunity
in the renaissance which is coming upon her, is the question of her destiny.
~ Sri Aurobindo
