Recent Publications of Beloo Mehra

Publications of Dr. Beloo Mehra (2023-24)

  • Ramayana’s Impact on National Mind (March 2024), Sri Aurobindo’s Action – A Journal of Indian Resurgence, Vol. 55 (3), pp. 2-5
  • Mother Nature Needs Love (August 2023), New Race: A Journal of Integral and Future Studies, Vol. IX (2), pp. 42-46
  • On Parijat and Patience (August 2023), Sri Aurobindo’s Action – A Journal of Indian Resurgence, Vol. 54 (8&9), pp. 27-29
  • The Essential Vibration of Love (June 2023), Sri Aurobindo’s Action – A Journal of Indian Resurgence, Vol. 54 (6), pp. 2-3
  • Sri Aurobindo’s New Light on Sanatana Dharma (April 2023) Shraddha, Vol. XIV (4), pp. 74-83.
  • Please Be Kind (April 2023), Sri Aurobindo’s Action – A Journal of Indian Resurgence, Vol. 54 (4), pp. 13-14

Sri Aurobindo, the Revolutionary Nationalist (2023). Chapter included in “Sri Aurobindo: an Extraordinary Phenomenon”, a commemorative volume published by SACAR with a grant from Government of India, Ministry of Culture.

  1. THE SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF INDIAN CULTURE (January 2024, Sri Aurobindo Center for Advanced Research, Pondicherry)
  2. INDIAN LITERARY TRADITION IN THE LIGHT OF SRI AUROBINDO (August 2023, Auropublications, Pondicherry)
  3. TOWARD A NEW RENAISSANCE: CULTIVATING SOUL-VALUES (June 2023, Auropublications, Pondicherry)

  • Curated TWO full issues of Sri Aurobindo’s Action Journal – on ‘Gratitude’ (June 2023) and ‘The Ramayana’ (March 2024)
  • Researched, curated and edited TEN issues of Renaissance Journal, Sri Aurobindo Society
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