Sri Aurobindo on Who is an Aryan and Building an Aryan Character

Dates: July 16-24, 2022

Venue: Aura Book Store, Pondicherry

As part of the ongoing series, ‘Re-awakening the Bharata Shakti: Toward an Indian Renaissance’ the Renaissance-BhāratShakti team designed and put together a poster exhibition highlighting Sri Aurobindo’s words on who is an Aryan and how to build Aryan character. This exhibition was displayed at the bookstore-reading room at Aura Experience Store, Pondicherry from July 16 to July 24, 2022. 

The posters designed for the exhibition served as an easy and inspirational read for the visitors at the book store. The exhibition highlighted the true meaning of the word Arya as explained by Sri Aurobindo, and how Aryan character has been the basis of a strong and aspiring individual and collective life.

During the exhibition days, two special events were also organised at the bookstore which allowed more people to go through the posters. The first of these events on July 16 was also organised by the Renaissance-BhāratShakti team – a reading-discussion of the recent book ‘Understanding Contemporary India in the Light of Sri Aurobindo’ by the Renaissance Editor, Dr. Beloo Mehra (see report HERE). In her discussion, she pointed out the significance of the exhibition content in the light of a specific essay on Education from her book.

The second event on July 23 was a poetry reading and a book launch organised by Brown Critique Books and Pondicherry Poets. Dr. Mehra along with Prof. Sahdev Kumar launched a new book of poems titled ‘Home Anthology’ edited by Ms. Gayatri Majumdar, Sekhar Banerjee and Gopal Lahiri. She briefly spoke about her impressions of the book and read out two poems from it and two of her own small prose pieces on the theme of Home and its deeper meaning for one’s inner and outer journey in life.

With an objective to spread the vision and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to a wider audience, the Renaissance-BhāratShakti team plans to design and put out more such poster exhibitions at Aura store. The exhibitions will highlight selected topics from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

At present, about 50 digital exhibits on various topics are available online at Renaissance journal.

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