Musings on Indian Renaissance – Beloo Mehra

Date: June 24, 2024

While speaking of the nature of Indian Renaissance Sri Aurobindo tells us that it is an attempt and impulse of a “reawakened national spirit” expressing itself in new forms which shall give the spiritual force for a great reshaping and rebuilding.

Out of this awakening vision and impulse, the future tendency of Indian renaissance will upraise the intellect, will, ethical, aesthetic and emotional being towards the greater light and power of their own highest intuitions, that is, beyond their normal mental possibilities. The work of the renaissance in India must be to make the spirit, the higher view of life, the sense of deeper potentiality once more a creative, perhaps a dominant power in the world.

Taking this as our inspiration, we are happy to introduce our BhāratShakti Blog – Musings on Indian Renaissance, where we will feature reflections, musings and contemplative thoughts by different authors. The focus of the blog will be primarily on highlighting and making sense of some of the current happenings in India and abroad where we see some signs of what Sri Aurobindo speaks of as “reawakened national spirit” and “original creation” in the light of India’s timeless spirit.

We invite our readers to contribute to the blog through their writings.

Submit your writeups to: <[email protected]> with a cc to <>

In Gratitude,
Beloo Mehra
Director, BhāratShakti

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