Let Go and Call Her – New on SAIEN Blog

Author: Beloo Mehra
Date published: July 18, 2024

As a Collaborating Center of SAIEN (Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Network), BhāratShakti regularly contributes to the SAIEN Blog. Let Go and Call Her is our first blog published on SAIEN platform.

Let Go and Call Her

When you dig and dig some more to find out why something bothers you so much, it hurts.

When you discover, or at least you think you have discovered, the real reason why something bothers you so much, it hurts.

When you figure out that the real reason why something bothers you so much has to do with your egoistic preference, it hurts.

When you understand that your egoistic preference is nothing but your unwillingness to accept what is happening in the present, it hurts.

When you accept that you are unwilling to accept the present moment because you fail to surrender to the deeper wisdom that is guiding your life’s journey through all the veils of ignorance, it hurts.

When you realize that you are unable to surrender to the deeper wisdom because you lack faith and trust in the Divine’s Plan for you, it hurts.

It hurts because you now see clearly the working of the ego which kept you deluded as to how much faith and trust you had in the Divine and Its Working.

It hurts because this is not the first time you had this experience. Because you know you could have, you should have learnt your lesson by now. Because you know there is no other lesson more important if you want to make even tiniest progress.


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