Fulfilling Sri Aurobindo’s Dreams: A New India Arising – I – Preeti Mahurkar

Editor’s note: We are happy to feature a series of blogs by Preeti Mahurkar on the theme of “A New India Arising” inspired by Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Five Dreams’. Preeti Mahurkar is a highly accomplished life coach, certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, emotional intelligence trainer, and career counselor with over 25 years of experience. With a profound commitment to Integral Yoga and Integral Human Development, based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Preeti has dedicated her life to fostering conscious evolution and holistic living.

As an ardent follower and devotee of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, she channels her expertise and life experiences towards serving humanity in a spiritually aligned environment. She is also the author of the acclaimed books “I See a New India” and “I See a New Earth Arising,” part of the “Heaven on Earth” series focusing on conscious evolution, social issues, and sustainable development goals.

The world waits for the raising of India to receive the divine flood in its fullness.

~ Sri Aurobindo, CWSA 13: 11

There is a mighty law of life, a great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience of which India has always been destined to be the guardian, exemplar, and missionary. (Sri Aurobindo, CWSA, 8: 24)

India must rise to the height of her mission and proclaim the truth to the world. The future of India is very clear. India is the Guru of the world.

~ The Mother, CWM, 13: 354

India must be saved for the good of the world since India alone can lead the world to peace and a new world order. (The Mother, CWM, 13: 353)

As we stand on the threshold of a new era, India is poised for a transformation that goes beyond economic growth and technological advancements. This transformation is about realizing the deeper spiritual potential of the nation, fulfilling the dreams of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Their vision for India was not just of political freedom, but of a spiritual renaissance that would lead to the evolution of human consciousness and the creation of a new world order.

These dreams are pivotal in understanding the spiritual and evolutionary blueprint for India. They guide us to envision India as a spiritual beacon for the world and a catalyst for global human evolution — a nation that would rise to guide humanity through a profound spiritual awakening, aspiring for a new world order that integrates spiritual consciousness into the fabric of human society.

Sri Aurobindo’s famous Five Dreams declared on the eve of Indian Independence are deeply interconnected with the Mother’s vision and aspiration for a society rooted in spiritual and integral development. As we transition from conscious evolution to a spiritual revolution, we must address these foundational principles to create a new India that aligns with these lofty ideals.

The Essence of Sri Aurobindo’s Dreams

These dreams reflect a belief in the “evolution of consciousness as the central motive of terrestrial existence”. This idea signifies that our growth as a species is not merely biological but fundamentally spiritual. According to Sri Aurobindo, the evolution of consciousness is the driving force behind our existence, guiding us towards higher states of being and understanding.

From Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution

Throughout history, moments of great transformation have been driven by new worldviews that redefined society. Sri Aurobindo’s vision of conscious evolution as the next phase of human development presents us with such a moment. This new worldview is not just philosophical; it is practical, calling on each of us to rise above ignorance, embrace our divine potential, and actively participate in the creation of a new India.

Conscious evolution compels us to move beyond outdated beliefs and practices that have led to social fragmentation and suffering. It urges us to consciously co-create our future, aligning our actions with the universal design that seeks the well-being of all. This is the essence of the spiritual revolution—a collective awakening to our role as conscious agents of transformation.

The Call to Conscious Evolution

This conscious evolution urges us to embrace our higher and ultimate truth—a truth based on the oneness of spirit. It calls us to move beyond old beliefs and practices rooted in ignorance or misinterpretation, to consciously create our future by choosing what serves us collectively, and to reject all inhumane systems, structures, and processes that have created a dysfunctional society marred by discrimination and division. It asks us to rise above lower emotions and beliefs and to recognize the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent spirit pervading all things and beings.

This evolution compels us to channel our social energy into initiating a social revolution—one that co-creates our collective future by developing both individual and collective consciousness and potential. It calls for the design of new systems, processes, and paradigms that work for all, not just for a select few. It asks us to accept our greatest truth and dharma, which is to serve the highest collective good, transcending personal motives, preferences, or loyalties. It urges us to cultivate a scientific temper to question, reform, and reject any choice or action that does not contribute to the collective well-being of society.

As we evolve, we are becoming increasingly aware of and intolerant of social, economic, and environmental injustices. We long for radical transformation in our obsolete social systems, which are disintegrating and becoming dysfunctional day by day. As Barbara Marx Hubbard suggests, there is an awakening propelled by various civil and human rights movements, spiritual transformational literature, new-age philosophy, music, yoga, and meditation, all urging us to become harbingers of a new world.

This awakening prompts us to explore more, know more, do more, and declare that “this is not the way things have to be.” This new consciousness is giving birth to social movements that are revolutionary yet constructive. This movement seeks not to destroy but to fulfill the past aspirations and dreams of previous generations, using accumulated wisdom and resources for the greater common good. It is here to assist our collective evolution and fulfill our highest collective potential by transforming ourselves first individually and then coming together for a complete earth transformation.

This transformation is not just an idea; it is a “spiritually motivated endeavour” that resides at the heart of every great faith. It is about recognizing the potential within every human being to become a co-creator with the Divine, aligning with the universal design, and contributing to the evolution of consciousness.

As humanity evolves, we are faced with the choice: to use our power for destruction or to participate in the creation of a new world. in short, creating a heaven or hell out of it…well, do we really have a choice?

To be continued…

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