Author: Beloo Mehra
Release Date: February 1, 2025
Publisher: Midam Foundation, Puducherry
In December 2024, Dr. Beloo Mehra was invited to write a Foreword to an upcoming book titled ‘Floral Meditations with the Mother’. The book authored by Chitra Suresh was to published by Midam Foundation, Puducherry. This book with 27 flower meditations is a beautiful way to get closer to the Mother’s remarkable work with flowers.

The book was released on February 1, 2025, at Pondicherry. Dr. Mehra was traveling during that time and thus could not attend the book launch programme. Given below is an excerpt from the Foreword.

Excerpt from the Foreword
This beautifully compiled volume titled ‘Flower Meditations with the Mother’ by Chitra Suresh presents one more important way in which we can develop a closer relation with flowers – by meditating on the flowers and their spiritual significance. She has selected 27 flowers, each with a very special spiritual significance which is either a soul-value or a deeper quality we must cultivate within in our inner journey – Courage, Cheerfulness, Faithfulness, Intimacy with the Divine, Devotion, Mental Plasticity, etc. – or reminds one of some essential aspects of the spiritual path and realisation, such as Friendship with the Divine, Supramentalised Plasticity, Purified Gold, Krishna’s Ananda, New Creation, and more.
For each of these flowers, the author has written a beautiful meditation that helps deepen the reader’s understanding of and aspiration to cultivate and reinforce these qualities through contemplating on these different flowers. Reading through the meditation one also gets a clear sense that the author has spent considerable time contemplating on the deeper vibration of the flower. In many cases, she has also beautifully connected the spiritual significance of the flower with some long-standing religio-spiritual practice or ritual observed by some communities within the all-inclusive and diverse Dharmic traditions, and/or with some legends or stories that are part of the collective memory of Bhārat, the land of Dharma.
Going through this book, a sincere reader will definitely develop a deeper relation with the inner truth of the selected flowers, and will gradually recognise within that by loving flowers and growing in contact with them, one can also strengthen one’s aspiration in a more perfect and luminous sense to be like a flower — open, frank, equal, generous and gentle. I congratulate Chitra Suresh and Midam Foundation on bringing out this beautiful book, and wish them the best for taking this work further.
More Work with Flowers
Dr. Mehra has also edited an E-book titled ‘Flowers of the Mother’s Symbol‘ which was published by Auropublications, Sri Aurobindo Society, in July 2024. That book is available for FREE DOWNLOAD.