Discourses on Art and Spirituality – 27 sessions

In 2023, BhāratShakti through its Renaissance journal & Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center (SAILC), Auro University, Surat joined hands to launch a year-long project titled ‘Kala evam Adhyatma’ (Art and Spirituality).

Under the auspices of this project, the team began by organizing an online series of Discourses on Art and Spirituality. Through this weekly series, the registered participants were able to dive deep into the spiritual foundations of Indian art as described by Sri Aurobindo.

Scholars and researchers of Sri Aurobindo’s works, artists, art enthusiasts, heritage enthusiasts and others interested in arts and spirituality were invited to share their thoughts and perspectives. We also explored how the spiritual view of art has influenced some of the contemporary artists and their works.

The weekly series began on March 29, 2023 and continued till October 25, 2023. Each of the invited speakers brought to light interesting and important dimensions to the relation between Art and spiritual development as well various expressions of the spiritual basis of art in India. Around 15-20 people participated in these online sessions.

The project is currently on a break. But future events in this project may include artists’ workshops, residencies, art fairs and more. 

A variety of themes were explored by different speakers. These online sessions are available on Sri Aurobindo Society’s YouTube channel.

Check out the full playlist HERE.

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