Re-awakening the Bhārata Shakti

Uniqueness of Sri Aurobindo’s Writings on Indian Culture

Date: March 28, 2023 Venue: Pondicherry University On March 28, 2023 at the Inaugural Seminar of Sri Aurobindo Chair at Pondicherry University, Dr. Beloo Mehra was invited to speak on the topic “What is unique about Sri Aurobindo’s writings on Indian Culture?” In her brief comments, Dr. Mehra highlighted the point that it was the

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Yogic Relationship with Money – an Interactive Session

Date: March 29, 2023 Venue: Sri Aurobindo Society Watch the recording HERE. As part of its work on the March 2023 issue of the online journal ‘Renaissance’ which has ‘Money and Yoga’ as its theme (released on March 21), the Renaissance team organised a special interactive session on March 29 at Sri Aurobindo Society, Beach

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National Seminar – Experiencing the Spirit of India through Cultural and Heritage Tourism

Date: March 25, 2023 Time: 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM Venue: Ground Floor Seminar Hall, Sri Aurobindo SocietyBeach Office, Pondicherry “The dominant note in the Indian mind, the temperament that has been at the foundation of all its culture and originated and supported the greater part of its philosophy, religion, art and life has been…spiritual

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Sri Aurobindo and the New Age – Residential Retreat

Dates: February 4-5, 2023 Venue: Sri Aurobindo Dhama, Sangama-Mekedatu, Karnataka Watch a short video capturing the retreat HERE. SEE A PHOTO-GALLERY HERE. The Renaissance journal team planned and organised a deeply immersive retreat with the theme – Sri Aurobindo and the New Age. The residential retreat was hosted by Sri Aurobindo Dhama located in the

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Nation in Sri Aurobindo’s Vision of National Education

Date: February 17, 2023 Venue: The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda A recording of Dr. Mehra’s talk is available HERE. Renaissance Editor, Dr. Beloo Mehra was invited as a speaker at the National Seminar on ‘Educational Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo’ organised by The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. This event held on February 17, 2023

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Teacher Education for a New Age: NEP 2020 and an Integral Approach

Date: January 21, 2023 Venue: Auro University, Surat Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti and Editor, Renaissance, was invited as an expert speaker to participate in a 2-day National Seminar organised by Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center at Auro University, Surat. The seminar’s theme was – NEP 2020: The Pathway through Integral Education. About 200 educators

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Rethinking Relationships in a New Light – A Panel Discussion with the Youth

Date: January 11, 2023 Venue: Sri Aurobindo Society As part of the All-India Youth Camp 2023 organised by AuroYouth, the Renaissance Journal team was invited to conduct a panel discussion on the topic ‘Rethinking Relationships in a New Light’. The team included Renaissance Editor, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Renaissance Editorial Assistant, Raamkumar Loganathan and AuroYouth volunteer

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Individual and Family: Insights from the Social Thought of Sri Aurobindo

Date: December 22, 2022 Venue: Sri Aurobindo Society Watch the recording HERE. As part of our work on the January 2023 Renaissance issue on the theme of ‘Human Relations and Yoga’, the Renaissance Journal team organised a special event on December 22, 2022. We invited Ms. Lakshmi Jyothi Manapragada to share some thoughts on the

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Gender Equality: A Spiritual Perspective

Date: December 21, 2022 Venue: Pondicherry/Auroville Poetry Festival at Matriniketan As part of the recently concluded Pondicherry/Auroville Poetry Festival organised by Pondicherry Poets and The Brown Critique, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti, was invited to give a talk on the topic – Gender Equality: A Spiritual Perspective. This topic was chosen to be consistent with

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Nari Shakti – Woman, an Indomitable Spirit (An interactive session)

Date: December 14, 2022 Venue: St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulum, Kochi On 14th  December, 2022, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti was invited to facilitate an interactive session at St. Teresa’s College at Kochi. This was a special outreach event organised as part of the 25th Kochi International Bookfest. The venue being one of the oldest and

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Work as Sadhana: An Interactive Session with Arul Dev

Date: December 3, 2022 Watch the livestream of the event HERE. “To do the work that one does with all sincerity, as perfectly as one can, is certainly one of the best ways to serve the Divine.” (The Mother, CWM, 14: 307) Since June 2021, every issue of Renaissance, the monthly journal of Sri Aurobindo

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Women’s Equality and Freedom: Insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

Date: November 21, 2022 Venue: Women’s Council Seminar, Sri Aurobindo Society As part of the 3-day Seminar organised by Women’s Council of Sri Aurobindo Society, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti delivered a talk on the topic – Women’s Equality and Freedom: Insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Dr. Mehra began her session by sharing

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Study Circle – National Value of Art by Sri Aurobindo 

Dates: October 12, 2022 – November 2, 2022  Venue: Online  A month-long study circle was organised by BhāratShakti and AuroSrishti to closely study and reflect on an important writing of Sri Aurobindo, titled ‘National Value of Art.’ The key driving focus behind this study circle was to identify some of the conceptual and pedagogical principles

Study Circle – National Value of Art by Sri Aurobindo  Read More »

Growing Within: A Day-long Workshop for Pondicherry University

Date: September 15, 2022 Venue: School of Education, Pondicherry University Click HERE for a full gallery including a few video clips from the workshop. “The chief aim of education should be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is best and make it perfect for a noble use.” ~ Sri

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Cultivating Virtues: A Creative Presentation – A project for Pondicherry University students

Start date: August 12, 2022 End date: August 30, 2022 Venue: Online & Pondicherry University A complete gallery of pictures from the event can be accessed HERE. At the invitation of the School of Education, Pondicherry University, a special self-directed learning project for M.Ed. students was designed by the Renaissance-BhāratShakti team led by Dr. Beloo

Cultivating Virtues: A Creative Presentation – A project for Pondicherry University students Read More »

Indian Artistic and Literary Culture in the Light of Sri Aurobindo

Date: August 21, 2022 Venue: CESS, Hyderabad – Institute of Human Study Watch the full recording of this talk HERE. To commemorate Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birth anniversary year, the Institute of Human Study, Hyderabad along with Samvit Kendra and Pragna Bharati under the sponsorship of Ministry of Culture, Government of India organised on August 21,

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