Date: December 18, 2024
Venue: GIET Degree College, Rajmundhry
Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti, was invited to deliver two talks at an educational workshop organized by GIET Degree College, Rajmundhry in association with Sri Aurobindo’s Action, Puducherry. The workshop titled “Integral Education for Teachers” was held on 18th December 2024 at GIET Degree College in Rajmundhry. More than 25 college teachers and staff attended the workshop.

During the inaugural session, Dr. Valli Madhavi, the Principal of GIET Degree College briefly mentioned how since her introduction to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education, she had been thinking of organizing such a workshop for her teaching staff. She welcomed the speakers and expressed her gratitude to Sri Aurobindo’s Action and Sri Aurobindo Society for accepting her invitation to conduct such a workshop.
Dr. Mehra spoke on two topics. The first pre-lunch session was on the topic “Aim of Integral Education”. She highlighted the connection between Education and Life and through several examples and anecdotes reminded the participants how our mainstream education for the most part has been almost exclusively concerned with money, success and social benefits.

Since this was the participants’ first exposure to Integral Education, Dr. Mehra kept her remarks very simple and gently introduced the idea of why it is essential to look at education as a conscious means of self-development, and what true self-development means for a deeper fulfilment in life. She also introduced them to the concept of psychic education through examples and exercises. Dr. Mehra highlighted a few of the psychic qualities which all educators must consciously cultivate.
The second post-lunch session built upon the first one and focused on the topic – Role of a Teacher. This was an activity-based session and was conducted in a fun manner with some slow rhythmic movements and music built into the session. Participants were asked to reflect on simple quotes that were placed on bookmarks prepared and distributed by the BhāratShakti team.

The last part of the second session involved an interaction based on three principles of true teaching as given by Sri Aurobindo. A set of three cards, each listing one principle, was prepared by the BhāratShakti team. Each participant was asked to pick up a set and reflect on each of the principles.
Then in a free-flowing conversation, the participants were asked to share their understanding with the help of an example or observation. This interaction helped strengthen the confidence of the participants and helped demonstrate that all knowledge is hidden within, and the role of a teacher is to help awaken the knowledge and gently guide the learner.
The participants enjoyed the interactive nature of the workshop sessions. A discussion is currently going on to build upon this introductory workshop and follow it up with some online sessions with interested educators. Dr. Mehra also presented copies of some of her books for the College Library, which was appreciated by the principal and teachers.