Renaissance E-book 5
Author: Dr. Rajeshwari
Released: December 2024
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः May All Be Free From Illness is a FREE E-book available through Auropublications, the publications wing of Sri Aurobindo Society.
This book brings together a series of articles written by Dr. Rajeshwari for Renaissance journal which were first published in 2021-2022. Dr. Rajeshwari is a qualified specialist in Alternative Medicine who has conducted extensive research among India’s rural and tribal communities learning about diverse customs and rituals related to health and well-being. Learning from the wisdom of the elders in these communities, and based on her research into drugless therapies of India and the Far East, she has been practicing natural medicine for a long time.
The author advocates living in harmony with Nature for a life of wellness and also strives to evoke and enhance the inherent divinity within each of us. She shares practical examples, interesting tales and anecdotes to help us along on this learning odyssey.
Dr. Rajeshwari reminds us that behind many of the customary practices and modes of conduct about which we hear from our elders, there were considerable knowledge and understanding of subtle truths of natural laws. But in its zeal for rationality, the modern mind often brands these as ignorant superstitions or mere irrational convention which have no relevance today.

Sri Aurobindo once spoke of his own discovery of the effectiveness of the mighty Will and Faith which act behind the maintenance of good health.
“For nearly forty years I believed them when they said I was weakly in constitution, suffered constantly from the smaller & the greater ailments & mistook this curse for a burden that Nature had laid upon me. When I renounced the aid of medicines, then they began to depart from me like disappointed parasites. Then only I understood what a mighty force was the natural health within me & how much mightier yet the Will & Faith exceeding mind which God meant to be the divine support of our life in this body.”
~ Sri Aurobindo, CWSA, 12: 474
The concluding chapter of this volume features a few selections from Sri Aurobindo where we get a good illustration of the effectivity of “the Will & Faith exceeding mind” that is spoken of as a healing force in the above quote. These selections help us understand the conditions under which the spiritual force works to cure illnesses. We also get a glimpse of how the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were using the Divine Force to help sādhakas in their healing process.